Share your contact in one click or phone tap.

ContactCard lets you send your contact details to anyone you want so fast and hassle-free, you no longer have to awkwardly spell or enter all the details you want to share - every single time.

A vCard is your digital (or virtual) business card. It's the international standard for sharing contact information across all different devices, and your phone is already using it! ContactCard simply creates a vcard link and QR code for you that makes saving your details as easy as clicking a link or scanning a qr image.

Stop typing everything out repeatedly

Whenever you need someone to have your contact details or business card, all you need to do is get them to scan your QR code or tap a tag. That's it - like magic, your contact card will instantly pop up on their screen! For example, you could

  • Send or include your private vcard link
  • Have them scan your personal QR code
  • Write your link to a nfc tag, and tap it on their phone.
Or manually create one
or manually below...